Programming, Linux and Anything

Hi,I'm Yadi Rosadi

Full-time Operation & part-time software developer. I do what im Interest for fun and profit

Begini cara yang benar install Python di Ubuntu


Ada beberapa cara menginstall python, tapi yang menurut saya paling benar adalah dengan menggunakan pyenv . Kenapa paling benar, karena selain bisa install multi version, bisa di set lokal ataupun global,dan bisa juga set environment nya dengan sangat mudah.


The Perspective of Programming Language (in my point of view)


Programming languages serve as the backbone of the digital world, enabling us to create complex software systems, applications, and tools. They provide the means to communicate with computers and instruct them to perform specific tasks. However, beyond their utilitarian role, programming languages hold distinct perspectives that shape their purposes and applications. In this article, we’ll delve into the perspectives of programming languages and explore how they can be classified based on their functions and benefits.

The Perspective of Programming Language (in my point of view)


Menjalankan MongoDB dengan Podman

Untuk manjalankan Mongodb dengan Podman pastikan kalian sudah menginstall podman. Berikut adalah langkah-langkahnya :

Menjalankan MongoDB dengan Podman


Navigasi jadi lebih mudah dan cepat menggunakan perintah pushd, popd dan dirs di Linux.


Bernavigasi di sistem file Linux dengan efisien adalah kunci bagi pengguna pemula maupun berpengalaman. Perintah bawaan “pushd,” “popd,” dan “dirs” menyediakan alat bantu kuat untuk menyederhanakan navigasi direktori dan mempermudah alur kerja. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi fungsionalitas perintah ini, bagaimana cara kerjanya secara bersama-sama, dan skenario praktis di mana mereka dapat meningkatkan produktivitas secara signifikan.


Install Homebrew di Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Homebrew adalah package manager yang awalnya dikembangkan untuk Mac OSX dan menjadi package manager yang populer setalahnya. Homebrew saat ini tidak hanya tersedia di lingkungan OSX tetapi bisa juga di install di Linux dan Windows (WSL).

Bagi teman-teman yang terbiasa di linkungan OSX dan menggunakan homebrew sebagai package manager, akan sangat membantu ketika beralih ke linux atau Window (WSL).

Alasan menggunakan homebrew selain flexibelitasnya adalah karena Homebrew dirancang untuk menyediakan fungsionalitas per user, dapat di install di home direktori teman-teman sebagai third-party yang artinya tidak perlu menggunakan sudo saat proses instalasi packagenya. Homebrew juga dapat digunakan bersama package manager bawaan dari OS tanpa menimbulkan konflik.


Getting Started Gleam Programming Language using asdf

Gleam is a programming language for building concurrent and distributed systems. It is designed to be expressive, safe, and efficient. It’s a statically typed language, meaning that the type of every value in a Gleam program must be known at compile-time. Gleam also has a strong type system, which helps to prevent runtime errors and makes it easier to reason about the correctness of a program.

Gleam is built on top of Rust and Erlang virtual machine (VM), which is known for its excellent support for concurrency and distribution. It’s takes advantage of the Erlang VM’s capabilities to provide a high-level, easy-to-use language for building distributed systems. Gleam also integrates with the Erlang ecosystem, allowing Gleam programs to make use of existing Erlang libraries and tools.


Getting Started with Scala using sbt and asdf

1. Overview

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple Scala project using sbt tool. We assume you have familiar with how to use a terminal.

1.1 What is Scala?

Scala stands for “scalable language” which was created by Martin Odersky. This reflects the vision of the creators to make it that grows with the programmer’s experience of it.

Scala is a general-purpose statically typed programming language that is a blending of object-oriented programming and functional programming. The combination of that two paradigms is one of the aspects that make scala scalable and unique.

Scala is part of the Java Ecosystem (JVM) which can run on the standard Java platform and interoperates seamlessly with all java libraries.